assalamualaikum alls . it's been like a month i didnt update craps thingy..lolzz..this is the story how i get through my pre med's life...i LUV UITM so much...thanks for all of the experiences........ sad to say im leaving for USM KUBANG KERIAN soon in bachelor of medical study for 5 years...alhamdulilah ! tq ALLAH SWT......... and i want to be a cardiologist / being in family health care ^___^
what is pre-med ??:: kinda an early exposure for future medical's students to medical's life
:: physiology ( i <3 the most ) , biochem , and anatomy ( need to memorise a lot )
HOSTEL??:: kolej mawar,UITM SHAH ALAM
:: 4person in a room ( this is really where u need to learn to tolerate and patience is the key of everything ^^ )
:: kinda hot actually,but be gratefull !! ^____^ (u can buy ur own kipas ~)
what's in it ??:: small group session ( sgs ) , small group discussion ( sgd ) , anatomy lab practical ( i get a chance to see the REAL liver and heart ) , clinical skills lab
(sphygmomanometer,spirometer,sthetescope,microscope and etc ) , the lectures ( seriously lotsa notes need to be read and cover ) and yehh the lecturers come mostly from india,timur tengah and also from thailand..if im not mistaken... the languange?? hard to be understand at first but later is OK ^________^ * no pain no gain
:: HOSPITALs AND CLINICs VISIT <--- best gila :D cus u get a chance to see the real situations and also talk with the real doctors......... i luv it so much !! the doctors are nice,and doc adrean <---- heuuuuuuu, i didnt answer his questions TT.TT feels very STUPID .. shame with myslef
the exam ??
:: OSPE ( a game in stations ) MCQ ( true or false / live or die ) SAQ ( short answer )
:: again,early exposure to medical's examination ....... ppl said it's unfair examination...IDK...all i know,we must study smart and never skip anything.because it is long life learning..and we're going to use this knowldege for every breath !!
studying tips ??
:: from my point of view -- after / before the lectures , try to read it first and after the lectures read it again..STUDY GROUP is quite helping !! where u'll realised OH I DONT KNOW that !! i did form a study group...with jayjay,fina,rus,fatima,aisyah,sofina and others..we help each other ! but need to study from the 1st week and be consistent.......
:: in HALL,try to understand it than never , sit with someone which can help u !! yeahhh..thx again to afina,fatima,lyana and others ....
:: selflearner?? YEHHH..IT'S A MUST especially after the study group / 5days before the examination..it'll help u to refresh back everything !! SURE IT DOES ~~
:: RECORDING ?? im not really sure, try it when u need it...but i dont think it's good cus ur knowledge is stored in the player .......... not at the brain ......... but it helps...so i might use it ! and it can help during study weeks...according to usm seniors ~
:: it's very important cus will be facing 1000000000 criticism,difficulties and hardship
:: and the doctors told us, perseverance will conquer ur smartness...dont be afraid !
:: so, strive in whatever u do cus ur dealing with human beings
:: be FOCUS and SERIOUS !!
:: but to be truth,im still having doubt with my potential...oALLAH :[
negative things
:: what do u feel when u saw some MG bitching u and ur family ??otally craps...and my heart did feels the pain ............... but lets karma * u ! LOL ~~ :p
:: I realised, to get a knowledge , u'll be facing lotsa challenges ..... only patience is the best treatment..and also PRAY ~
:: I BELIEVE ALLAH SWT IS ALWAYS THERE and im not worry .......... :D INSYALLAH ~
::perseverance,be smart , focus,be POSITIVE ^________^
::I did this only during 1st yr, kind of regret coz I didn't continue this. It's not that I listen to the lecture twice in one day, it's during my study week when I found that I couldn't understand the lecture notes, I went back to the recording and found something else in the lecture which solve my problem. Haha~~
::my advice is, be humble, be active, make friends and study hard, you will be able to make it through :)
::hmmm u gt 4 blocks for ur 1st selanjar.... bioethics, nursing, cell n tissue n musculo..... bioethics n nursing vry relaxing n easy ny ....cell n tissue is average block... musculo is d killer block... musculo covers 40% of ds 1st exam... 1st of all u shud gt 2 knw d format of exam.... 4example.... seq... u wil hv 5 seq ques... n each ques for 10 minz.... so d allocation 4 seq 1ques wil b 4m bioethics, 1ques 4m nursing, 1ques from cell n tissue, and 2ques from musculo.... for id.... 5-6 ques wil b from musculo, 3-4 ques from cell n tissue, 1 ques from nursing, n 1 ques from bioethics..... ds is rough idea on d ques allocation for ur exam.... ds was on my tym.... ur exam myt hv sum changes.... bt wil b almost d same.... from ds allocation itself u cn knw dt musculo covers a large portion in ur exam ryt.... so d method of scoring medicine is very easy..... u jz hv 2jnw ur exam format n d exam needs only..... most of d ppl in medic skul dun realise ds.... ds my secret of success.... n im happy 2 share it wit u hahahhaha
sweet ~
didnt expect to be in one group with my OLD crush .we've known for more than 1years through FB LOLZZZZ. i didnt talk too much with him...im too shy..and he did ask me WHY UR TOO SILENCE ???? idk,it's just i dont really talk too much especially on unnecesary things...i'll try to be more FRIENDLY.sorry n**** and yes......... we'll meet again in housemantship ... insyallah ^_____^ sorry i didnt help u too much , and i keep avoiding u throughout the weeks :[ but im pretty sure there's plenty of kids want to help u cus of ur kindness :] g luck !! * i'll remember u and ur curiousity and enthusiasm inspired me a lot !!!! again,new breath is inhaled........LOL ~
group 2
ya guys are really smart and awesome .......... i feel very happy to be with a bunch of genius and scary kids... lolzzzzzzzzzz... gluck guys !! be a gud md student everyone ^^ .. cus it's miles to go and there's lotsa things need to be learn ~
:: md terms
:: usm preparation
:: jpa web
:: and CHILL ~
new brand chapter of life is going to started ~ bismillah....... i luv uitm... pre-med is awesome...it teach us a lot .... insyallah,i'll back to serve to uitm ....