Saturday, April 23, 2011
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
it's a ladder
Friday, April 15, 2011
HPV vaccine in malaysia
say NO to SEX b4 married !!
Symptoms of HPV ??
Warts ( ketuat ) on ur feet (genital warts )appear on the vulva but may also occur near the anus, on the cervix, or in the vagina. In men they appear on the penis and scrotum or around the anus
just a simple infos.... be healthy luv life ^^
Thursday, April 14, 2011
lately many things happened...tok caught in hospital for having many's pretty tiring actually where i've to wait in hospital..But it's fun where i can take care my own tok when she needs anything,i can b there..i assumed this is a chance for me (learning) how to take care or handle with a patient..glad she's discharged from hosp already,...and then...PADILLL became the victim of hit and run by a lorry yesterday....stupid DRIVERR !!! how could ya run after hitted 20 years old boy...poor padill.......... =((( ........ Her face.....humm...hopefully he's fine...he must be strong cus he's A MAN !! me?? still doing nothing...trying to practise for usm interview in case my name is listed...i hope so..amin2~ if no UITM or no USM ... UPU is the last choice.....hopefully my name is listed in USM ... UITM??i dont know...seriously so many 4flatters...and im really hoping for USM....... amin amin............ my sis??no...she cant help to get ma name in there.she's not in medical field or have any wayar kabel (wayar kabel is lame,y evryone ned tat???well this is world)..she can only help me to prepare for interview...she told me to not to give up...if this is my rezeki,insyallah I'll attend the interview session...anything need to prepare maself ......... =) dear fatin fakhriah sani,please dont be a spoilt brat..please KICKK ur stupid lazy attitude awayy..............arghhhhh............oke that's all.... (=^.^=)Y
*ALLAH KEEPS ME GOING * Happiness keeps you sweet, trials keep you strong, sorrows keep you human, failures keep you humble, success keep you glowing, but only Allah keeps you going! - Alhamdulillaah!!!
Sunday, April 10, 2011
He's mercifull
Lolita Lempicka : Remember adik, no one can stop you from pursuing your ambition and dreams. Excellency is not about how many A's you got, but how do you use your potential wisely. April 11, 2010 at 3:15pm ( 1 years already :] )
alhamdulilah YA ALLAH...terima kasih YA ALLAH.... amin's always gonna b miles to go =DDD
xo~ momoe
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Bismillah Ar-Rahman Ar-Raheem

"Apa jua kebaikan (nikmat kesenangan) yang engkau dapati maka ia adalah dari Allah; dan apa jua bencana yang menimpamu maka ia adalah dari (kesalahan) dirimu sendiri. Dan Kami telah mengutus engkau (wahai Muhammad) kepada seluruh umat manusia sebagai seorang Rasul (yang membawa rahmat). Dan cukuplah Allah menjadi saksi (yang membuktikan kebenaran hakikat.
P.S : im not a great person but im trying to be nice to myself and ppl around me =] and i SHOULDNT EXPECTING ANYTHING IN RETURNS... YEHH ~~