HK welcome

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Thursday, February 10, 2011

me me me


i dun put it as 1st choice...hemmmmmmm sedih,,,,,madammmmmmmmmmm if i can delete it againnnnnnnnnn,,,,,,,..........ya ALLAH, i must not give up.....gotta tryy as long i ve this chanceee
im not feeling very well...DEMANGGGGGG
ya allah.......i made same mistakes again...i couldnt afford to let the careleness to kill me..........ya allah,,,,,,,please bless ma journey amin2.sokayy if ade rezeki ade,,,,,,,,,
focusss on next things,,dun worry but appreciate ur current situation..ya allah im vry grateful to b here with nice rumate hozmates and classmates...................i should b gracious....tq ALLAH....
xo momoe~

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