thank you...
u make me feel alive again!
we'r lucky to have u :DD
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Saturday, June 26, 2010
im A phatetic girl ...im down down down

i have no words to say...STUDY STUDY STUDY...i haven't see d outside world for 1months.....i wish i can escape and fly to heaven......im tired,even it's just started for 1 month... i totallly dislike physics,,,,,,,,y we need to have physic in world??world will become niceh if physic can varnish nd dissapear.......
yahh nice for me,sucks fo others...t-heeeeee :D my climb is like a hell....i dunnoe,,,seems like im not enjoying my hunting ...with lotsa tutorials lab reports,i cant breath,,,,,im give uppp......im SLEEPY ................. =(
i wish god will send someone to help me with physics...i wish and i wish....... =( i cant smile...im sorry........chill doesnt seem suits me very well! tension lar lab report.,,it kilss me slowly
haizzzzzzh......................sleepy life~!
Friday, June 25, 2010
Saturday, June 19, 2010
SINGLE since i was born
single is boring !~
lol.... =.= dont blame me,blame my HOrmONes ...OEStrogen kah??
t-heeeeeee,dun remember........
i <3 being momoekitty....
i <3 my world !!
im free to throw my frustation and anger here which no one would listen..
im momoekitty and im irreplaceablee...
this happenend when ive become CraZeh :((
YA ALLAH,im weak ......i'll always pray harder !! amin amin
single is boring !~
lol.... =.= dont blame me,blame my HOrmONes ...OEStrogen kah??
t-heeeeeee,dun remember........
i <3 being momoekitty....
i <3 my world !!
im free to throw my frustation and anger here which no one would listen..
im momoekitty and im irreplaceablee...
this happenend when ive become CraZeh :((
YA ALLAH,im weak ......i'll always pray harder !! amin amin
Thursday, June 17, 2010
NOT happy
we r'nt school girls anymore,so stop giving me weird faces......well,i dunnoe what shul we call tis NAIVE or STUPID?? i didnt mk a mistake,but ppl thought im d one who ..................well,alhamdullilah im proud of ma self...others who did it,but im d one had to bear it =(
well,that what we call SACRIFICATION...did i spell it right?? oh YA ALLAH,berkati lar perjalanan ku d UITM,,,amin2,well it does make me hurts.......but,that's part nd parcell of life !! gogogo momoe :) gambatte~
well,that what we call SACRIFICATION...did i spell it right?? oh YA ALLAH,berkati lar perjalanan ku d UITM,,,amin2,well it does make me hurts.......but,that's part nd parcell of life !! gogogo momoe :) gambatte~
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
baby :D

I <3>insyALLAH...guys wish me lucksssss!!
u-kiss,brian joo is coming to d town..anyone ?? =(
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Friday, June 11, 2010
Thursday, June 10, 2010
woot =D

i <3 maself....kekeke.... my nose =.=
3 weeks in uitm .... hehhh..oke lar ! if u love ur mom sis dad n family EMBRACE EVERYTHING ! no pain no gain ... CHEW everything babeh!!
gosh,,pimples on my neck ..wadefak..pimples = STUDY !!
last night in my dream,i dream of EYE CANDY :)))
stupid dream..who's tat eye candy??seriously i dunnoe nd of coz no eye candy wants me ...lol....geek =p
p.s : im DORK
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
lab session arghhhhhhhhhhhh........................mak nak balik!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
god bless me please ! go nd die lar sick mind............hell is better place for u dorkiest!!
god bless me please ! go nd die lar sick mind............hell is better place for u dorkiest!!
Monday, June 7, 2010
life isnt easy at 18 D:
omG,lectures =.= ,tutorials assignments...i <3 u guys :D Climb baby climb
p.s : eye candies so sweets :))
p.s : eye candies so sweets :))
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Friday, June 4, 2010
Thursday, June 3, 2010
oke lar today,,,,,,,jupe budak ckp byk...hopefully oke forever..ehmmm CHEMISTRY ........ x fhm ar lecturer aja nd quite sleepy lar...hayooo...what to do??ottokoaju???then ned to work on maself lar...ya ALLAH gv me some strength during ma pre degree life .amin...oker fatin FOCUS nd GAMBATTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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