assalamualaikum...yayyyy...finally its my 100TH POST ...................... how r ya guys?not so fine here............life is getting tougher wif lotsa things need to be handle :(((((
i've done wif MY TEST 1...oh SH*T ....... thought its gonna b fine but nehhhhhhhhhhhhh..........
i made same and same and stupid mistakes over and over again..oyeahhhh i got band 4... :D
alhamdullilah ~ XD
i just need to b more focus.........iman?bumped wif u trillions times........but nothing......he's a faggot.im really tired.....bio is getting more complicated,ive skip my physcs.............................im tiredd..o yeh when dey ask me NANTI U nak amek ape..and when i answrd MEDIC!!!!!!!
evryone will show deir surprised face..yeh i noe,,im stupid :((((((((
i didnt prfomed very well in my test 1..YA ALLAH please help me...... :((((((((
i dunnoeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.....IM JUST A TURTLE.......................................................:(((((((((((((((
nyWAY HEPY NEW YEAR...may ALLAH SWT bless y'all......i ve notin to say...........alll i noe i must keep climbing and neve let any negative things to let me done =(((( please pray fo my success...i need to be someone...i need to b in medical courses....... i must fullfill my family's wishes.............amin.....